Border Width

Border widths in wind are defined using the border- prefix with a size. The size in the class directly corresponds to the pixel value. No additional calculations with Pixel Factor or REM Factor are applied.

While the current version of wind supports general border styling, specific sides (e.g., border-t, border-l) are not yet implemented. This feature is planned for a future release. 🎉

Default behavior

The number in the class represents the pixel value directly.


  • border-4 → 4px
  • border-2 → 2px

For arbitrary values, the specified size is also used directly as the pixel value:

  • border-[6] → 6px.


  • size: The width of the border (e.g., 2, 4, 6).
  • value: An arbitrary pixel value for the border width.

Example Classes

Class Calculated Width Explanation
border-2 2px Directly 2px as defined.
border-4 4px Directly 4px as defined.
border-[6] 6px Arbitrary value, directly 6px

Example: Applying Border Width

  className: 'border-4 border-blue-500 p-4',
  child: WText('Thick Border', className: 'text-blue-500'),

Here, the border width is calculated as 16px (using factors), and the color is blue-500.