Max-Height & Min-Height

Wind provides utilities to control the maximum and minimum heights of widgets, offering flexibility for responsive and adaptive layouts. These utilities support pixel-based, viewport-relative, and percentage-based values.


Class Description Example
max-h-[value] Sets the maximum height in pixels. max-h-20
max-h-[[value]] Arbitrary maximum height value. max-h-[200]
max-h-full 100% of the parent’s height. max-h-full
max-h-screen 100% of the viewport height. max-h-screen
max-h-[value]/[value] % of the parent’s height. max-h-1/2
max-h-[value]vh % of the viewport height. max-h-[90vh]
Class Description Example
min-h-[value] Sets the minimum height in pixels. min-h-20
min-h-[[value]] Arbitrary minimum height value. min-h-[200]
min-h-full 100% of the parent’s height. min-h-full
min-h-screen 100% of the viewport height. min-h-screen
min-h-[value]/[value] % of the parent’s height. min-h-1/2
min-h-[value]vh % of the viewport height. min-h-[90vh]


Using Max-Height

  className: 'max-h-16 bg-blue-500',
  child: WText('Max height: 64px'), // 16 * 4 (Pixel Factor)

  className: 'max-h-[8] bg-gray-500',
  child: WText('Max height: 8px'), // Arbitrary value

  className: 'max-h-screen bg-teal-500',
  child: WText('Max height: Full screen height'),

Using Min-Height

  className: 'min-h-10 bg-yellow-500',
  child: WText('Min height: 40px'), // 10 * 4 (Pixel Factor)

  className: 'min-h-[100] bg-orange-500',
  child: WText('Min height: 100px'), // Arbitrary value

  className: 'min-h-screen bg-pink-500',
  child: WText('Min height: Full screen height'),