Binding the Flutter Theme

By binding the Wind theme to your Flutter application, you can seamlessly integrate your app’s default styles with Wind’s powerful theming system. This ensures that your app benefits from Wind’s utility-first approach while remaining consistent with Flutter’s Material design principles. 🎨✨

Wind now supports two methods for binding themes:

  1. Dynamic Mode: using toThemeCallback, which adapts to runtime changes like light/dark mode transitions automatically.
  2. Static Mode: using toThemeData, which offers a simpler setup but requires manual updates for runtime changes (e.g., switching themes).

Using toThemeCallback for Dynamic Binding

toThemeCallback dynamically updates the theme in response to runtime changes like light or dark mode toggling. This ensures your app always reflects the correct theme state without manual intervention.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final Widget Function(BuildContext) appCallback;

  const MyApp({super.key, required this.appCallback});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return appCallback(context);

void main() {
    appCallback: (context) {
      return MaterialApp(
        theme: WindTheme.toThemeCallback(
          bodyFontString: 'Roboto',
          displayFontString: 'Lobster',

In this example, toThemeCallback detects and applies the appropriate theme based on the application’s brightness settings at runtime. Perfect for dynamic theme transitions! 🌗

Using toThemeData for Static Binding

If you don’t need runtime adaptability, toThemeData provides a simpler way to bind the Wind theme. This method statically applies the theme to your application. However, if the brightness changes during runtime, you need to manually update the theme by calling WindTheme.setType.

void main() {
    theme: WindTheme.toThemeData(
      bodyFontString: 'Open Sans',
      displayFontString: 'Pacifico',
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade200,
      brightness: Brightness.light,

If you need to switch to dark mode at runtime


This manual intervention ensures that the Wind theme reflects the new brightness state.

Customization Parameters

Both toThemeData and toThemeCallback methods allow you to customize the Material theme. Here’s a list of available parameters:

Parameter Description Default Value
textTheme Custom TextTheme for the app’s typography. Typography.material2021().englishLike
bodyFontString Font family for body text. WindTheme.getBodyFontString()
displayFontString Font family for display text (e.g., headings). WindTheme.getDisplayFontString()
primarySwatch Primary color swatch for the app. WindTheme.getMaterialColor('primary')
accentColor Secondary accent color. WindTheme.getColor('secondary')
cardColor Background color for cards. WindTheme.getColor('white')
backgroundColor Default background color for the app. WindTheme.getColor('gray', shade: 50)
errorColor Color used for error states. WindTheme.getColor('red')
brightness Overall brightness (light or dark mode). WindTheme._type

Choose the method that best suits your application’s needs and enjoy the seamless integration of Wind with Flutter’s Material design system. 🌟