Customizing Letter Spacing

The wind plugin provides a robust system for managing and customizing letter spacing in your Flutter application. By using pre-defined values, arbitrary values, or dynamic customization through the WindTheme class, you can control the spacing between characters to align with your design needs.

Default Letter Spacings 🎨

The WindTheme class defines several pre-defined letter spacings, each mapped to descriptive keys. These values are in em units and can be directly applied to your text elements.

Key Value (em) Description
tighter -0.05 Very tight spacing
tight -0.025 Tight spacing
normal 0 Default spacing
wide 0.025 Wide spacing
wider 0.05 Very wide spacing
widest 0.1 Extremely wide spacing

For example:

  • Using tracking-tight applies a letter spacing of -0.025em.
  • Using tracking-wide applies a letter spacing of 0.025em.

Arbitrary Letter Spacings 🎯

The wind plugin supports arbitrary letter spacings for dynamic customization. You can specify custom letter spacings using the tracking-[value] syntax, where value is the desired spacing in em units.


  • tracking-[0.1] applies a letter spacing of 0.1em.
  • tracking-[0.3] applies a letter spacing of 0.3em.

Managing Letter Spacings Dynamically

The WindTheme class provides methods to check, retrieve, add, and remove letter spacings dynamically.

Checking if a Letter Spacing Exists

To verify if a specific letter spacing is defined:

bool exists = WindTheme.hasLetterSpacing('normal');
print(exists); // Output: true

Retrieving a Letter Spacing

To get the value of a specific letter spacing:

double spacing = WindTheme.getLetterSpacing('wide');
print(spacing); // Output: 0.025

Adding or Updating a Letter Spacing

To define a new letter spacing or modify an existing one:

// Add a custom letter spacing
WindTheme.setLetterSpacing('extra-wide', 0.15);

// Update an existing letter spacing
WindTheme.setLetterSpacing('wide', 0.03);

Removing a Letter Spacing

To remove a letter spacing from the WindTheme:
