Text Color

Wind allows you to style text colors easily using the text- prefix. Both predefined colors and arbitrary values are supported, offering flexibility in your designs.


  • color: The name of the color (e.g., red, blue, green).
  • shade: The shade of the color (e.g., 100, 200, 300).
  • value: An arbitrary color value (e.g., #FF0000).

Predefined Colors

Wind provides a rich palette of predefined colors.

Class Color text-red-500 Red text-blue-500 Blue text-green-500 Green

Class Color Shade Preview
text-red-500 Red 500
text-blue-500 Blue 500
text-green Green 500

You can explore the full list of colors in the Customizing Colors section.

Arbitrary Colors

If predefined colors don’t meet your needs, you can specify custom colors using the text-[#hexcode] syntax.

Class Color Preview
text-[#FF00FF] Pink
text-[#FFFF00] Yellow
text-[#00FFFF] Cyan


Example: Applying Predefined Text Colors

  'This is a red text.',
  className: 'text-red-500',

In this example, the text color is set to red using the text-red-500 class.

Example: Applying Arbitrary Text Colors

  'This is a custom color text.',
  className: 'text-[#FF00FF]',

Here, the text color is set to pink using the text-[#FF00FF] class.