Axis Sizes 🌟

The WindTheme class includes a set of default axis sizes mapped to descriptive keys. These sizes can be applied directly in your application for consistent axis spacing.

Available Classes

Class MainAxisSize Description
axis-max MainAxisSize.max Children take up all available space
axis-min MainAxisSize.min Children take up only the required space


  className: 'axis-max flex-row bg-gray-400',
  children: [
    WCard(className: 'bg-blue-500 w-20 h-20', child: WText('Card 1')),
    WCard(className: 'bg-green-500 w-20 h-20', child: WText('Card 2')),

In this example, axis-max ensures that the flex container stretches to occupy all available space along the main axis.

  className: 'axis-min flex-row bg-gray-400',
  children: [
    WCard(className: 'bg-blue-500 w-20 h-20', child: WText('Card 1')),
    WCard(className: 'bg-green-500 w-20 h-20', child: WText('Card 2')),

In this example, axis-min ensures that the flex container only occupies the space required by its children.