Customizing Font Sizes

The wind plugin provides a powerful way to manage and customize font sizes for your Flutter application using the WindTheme class. With pre-defined font sizes, support for arbitrary values, and programmatic customization, you can easily align your application’s typography with your design requirements.

Default Font Sizes 🎨

The WindTheme class includes a set of pre-defined font sizes that can be used directly in your application. These sizes are defined in rem units and scaled by the rem factor.

Key Value (rem) Calculated px (Default Rem Factor: 4) Description
xs 0.75 12px Extra small
sm 0.875 14px Small
base 1 16px Base size
lg 1.125 18px Large
xl 1.25 20px Extra large
2xl 1.5 24px Very large
3xl 1.875 30px Extra extra large
4xl 2.25 36px Huge
5xl 3 48px Massive
6xl 4 64px Gigantic

For example:

  • font-xs applies a font size of 12px.
  • font-3xl applies a font size of 30px.

Arbitrary Font Sizes 🎯

The wind plugin supports arbitrary font sizes for dynamic customization. You can specify custom font sizes using the font-[value] syntax, where value is the desired size in px.


  • font-[8] applies a font size of 8px.
  • font-[22] applies a font size of 22px.

This feature is ideal for achieving unique font sizes beyond the predefined values.

Managing Font Sizes Dynamically

The WindTheme class provides methods to check, retrieve, add, and remove font sizes dynamically.

Checking if a Font Size Exists

To verify if a specific font size is defined:

bool exists = WindTheme.hasFontSize('lg');
print(exists); // Output: true

Retrieving a Font Size

To get the value of a specific font size:

double size = WindTheme.getFontSize('xl');
print(size); // Output: 1.25

Adding or Updating a Font Size

To define a new font size or modify an existing one:

// Add a custom font size
WindTheme.setFontSize('custom', 1.2);

// Update an existing font size
WindTheme.setFontSize('lg', 1.0);

Removing a Font Size

To remove a font size from the WindTheme:
